Blog Description

This blog is designed to serve as an extension or housing for the content from the adult Sunday School class of Grace Life Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. The purpose of this course is to set forth our belief that the King James Bible is God's Word for English speaking people. Consequently, in the coming weeks, months, and years this blog will be populated with the contents of our studies together on this important topic. Anticipated topics include: the inspiration, preservation, transmission, and translation of the pure Biblical text through history. Special attention will be given to recent historical studies into the production of the King James Bible as well as its reception by the English speaking world after is publication in 1611. It is our goal to set forth a position on the final authority of the King James Bible for English speaking people that is Scriptural, reasonable, historically accurate, and in line with the Pauline Grace Message regarding God's working in time.
Pastor Bryan C. Ross

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lesson 13--Passages Proving the Plenary Position

To download the MP3 audio for this lesson click here.
For a PDF copy of the notes click here.
There is no PowerPoint for this lesson.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lesson 12--Potential Pitfalls of Plenary Inspiration

To download the MP3 audio for this lesson click here.
For a PDF copy of the notes click here.
There is no PowerPoint for this lesson.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Lesson 11--Understading the Various Theories of Inspiration

To download the MP3 audio for this lesson click here.
For a PDF copy of the notes click here.
There is no PowerPoint for this lesson.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lesson 10--Understanding Basic Terminology: Preservation, Part 3

To download the MP3 audio for this lesson click here.
For a PDF copy of the notes click here.
There is no PowerPoint for this lesson.